Palou Dominates Detroit Practice Session with Stellar Performance

Palou Dominates Detroit Practice Session with Stellar Performance

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

The opening practice session at the Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix ended in a fashion that was mightily familiar to the last as reigning race winner Alex Palou was first among the 27 drivers followin…

Reigning race winner Alex Palou topped the chart in the opening practice session at the Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix, with a lap of 1m01.721s. He was closely followed by Pato O’Ward and Colton Herta in second and third place, respectively. Palou mentioned that the track felt grippier than last year, and he was pleased with the performance of his car so far. The session saw two incidents where drivers, Marcus Ericsson and Jack Harvey, made contact with the walls, but thankfully, they were uninjured. The day ended with the drivers going into split 10-minute groups for the final session of the day. Despite some minor incidents, the session was relatively clean, and drivers navigated the street circuit with skill and determination.

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